Table of Contents

March cover: Beach sunset



Water + Earth = Life, special for world water day

A water pollution odyeesy
If you thought clean water was a priority in California, think again.

Student to student watershed education
Urban students learn about the natural world supporting them and invite you to an open house for their environmental learning lab.
Think globally, act locally: World Water Day is March 22
Local activities include an international Oceans conference and a community gathering to address San Diego's coastal pollution.

Support the Beach Safety Bill
Establishing testing and reporting standards is the first step.

Living Environment

Blueprint for the New Green Home

Part of our series on creating an environmentally friendly home.

Health and Diet

Becoming your own healer
"Know Thyself" is a good first step to getting at the source of healing.

In the (Vegetarian) Zone
Michael Oshman takes you with him on a satisfying trip for the taste buds and the soul.

Local Ecology

Lesson of the Easter Bunny
Rabbits make great pets - if you're ready to take a little responsibility.

Observations from the Soul

The Beast of Technology
While Robert Nanninga, our resident eco-radical, is on hiatus in Bath, England, Minister Masada will help hold the edge. She brings a new infusion of spirit to the sacred cause of protecting the earth against equal opportunity destroyers.

San Diego Earth Day

Send in your EARTH award nominations
What a better way to celebrate a wee bit 'o the green?

St. Patrick's Earth Day benefit on March 17
What a better way to celebrate a wee bit 'o the green?

Spring into Earth Day
March in like a lion at three Volunteer meetings